
The following fees will be applied to Members this financial year season.

Members are welcome to contact Ingrid regarding cash payment arrangements during the week on her cell 083 285 7420.

Fees not paid will result in the automatic termination of membership, making members liable for visitor’s fees should they continue playing at the club.

Members not wishing to renew their membership must please inform the Treasurer accordingly in writing and return their keys.

Below is the once-off annual membership fee:

Single Members @ R900

Pensioners @ R570

Juniors and Students @ R460

Married Couples @ R1550

Married Pensioners @ R900

If you join later, a pro-rata will be applied. Please enquire with Ingrid.

Keen to join? Please download and fill in the application form.

Application-for-Membership (Right click and Save As)

Email the signed form to ingridversfeld{at}